Ways To Share The Gospel

Have A Conversation

This is probably the most obvious thing to do. Jesus and his disciples talked to people after all. I know this can sometimes be the hardest thing for us to do though. We get fearful of losing a friend or upsetting a family member. That’s because our enemy, Satan, doesn’t want us to be successful at this. Conquer those feelings and go for it! You can talk about something you read in the Bible, learned at church, or a Christian movie you saw. Most importantly, be loving and compassionate, not mean or argumentative.


Invite someone to church with you. You know they’re going to learn about God and Jesus at church. People often don’t like to do new things by themselves because it can be intimidating and scary. If you invite them to go with you, they’ll be more at ease. 

After the service, talk about what they thought and answer any questions they have. If you don’t know how to answer their questions that’s okay. Tell them you’ll find out. Then either do the research yourself or ask your pastor.

The Chosen

The Chosen, a new multi season TV show, is a great way to introduce someone to Jesus. This is one of my favorite shows! It’s the #1 highest crowd-funded project of all time. 

This show is different than what’s been done before because it focuses on the lives of the people Jesus impacted – his disciples, people he healed, religious leaders.

This show is free to watch! Invite your friends and family over for a watch party. Then download the The Chosen app and stream an episode to your TV, or watch season 1 on YouTube, or on their website.

It’s also available in many languages

You can also purchase DVDs of each season and give them away to your family and friends. They even offer bulk discounts. Visit thechosengifts.com. The DVDs have English and Spanish subtitles.

Church Event

Invite someone to attend a special event at church with you. This could be a holiday service, a play, a guest speaker, a retreat, a potluck, a craft fair, a rummage sale, a Halloween alternative, or any other type of event your church is having. These are great because events make church less scary for a new person.

If they liked the event then next time invite them to church service with you.


Bible Study

I can’t stress enough the power of a simple invite. It’s how my faith journey started. Invite someone to attend a Bible study with you. This could be a study your church is doing, or it could be something more informal that you organize yourself. If you want to do it yourself then get a Christian book or Bible study for you and your friends to read through and discuss. Remember to have some Bibles on hand too. You could also organize viewing a webcast by a popular Bible teacher.


Everyone I know likes movies. Invite someone to attend a Christian movie in the theater with you, at a screening your church is having, or rent one and invite your friends over. You can also give Christian movies as gifts. After watching the movie, discuss it and answer questions.

These are some of my favorites – Risen, Son Of God, The Case For Christ, The Bible: The Epic Miniseries, The Passion Of The Christ, Do You Believe?, God’s Not Dead, Fireproof, Courageous, and War Room.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has some movies you can watch for free and download. They include messages from Billy Graham.

Also check out The Jesus Film. It’s been translated into almost 2,000 languages. They even have a children’s version in 180 languages. You can watch them free online and even download them.


Christian books (and Bibles!) are a great tool to help you share the gospel. These could be non-fiction and fiction books. Both types can contain a gospel message. Buy one you like and give it to someone. 

My favorite two books to give away are 50 Days Of Heaven: Reflections That Bring Eternity To Light by Randy Alcorn and A.D. 30 by Ted Dekker.

At Christmas time I also like to give away God’s Blessing Of Christmas by Billy Graham. 

Christian Concert

Everyone likes good music. Invite someone to a Christian concert with you. Most of these concerts have a pastor that speaks for a few minutes and shares the gospel. Go to your local Christian radio station’s website and see which events are coming up. 

You can also buy a CD or mp3 song of your favorite Christian band as a gift for someone.

Visit the Links page for links to online Christian radio stations.

Pack A Shoebox

I love Operation Christmas Child! It’s a great way to share God’s love and the gospel with a child. This is one my favorite things to do in the fall. I go shopping with my mom and buy toys and school supplies to put in shoeboxes. It’s super fun.

Consider inviting a friend or a child in your life to shop with you.

If you don’t like shopping, you can also build a shoebox online or donate to the organization.

Share A Podcast Or Video

Did your pastor share an awesome gospel message at church that you wish your friend was there to hear? If your church records messages, then go find it online and share it with them. 

If you’d like to share a podcast or video message of the gospel with someone then check out my Bible Teachings resources.

Send A Card And Letter

Consider sending a nice greeting, holiday, or birthday card to someone with a personal note or letter in which you share a Bible verse or the gospel.

I’ve mailed a lot of cards at Christmas and Easter in which I included a letter sharing the gospel, the reason for the holiday, and also inviting the person to church. I’ve even written poems for the holiday and shared Bible verses that inspired it. Be creative and have fun with this.

Sponsor A Child Or Missionary

I read an article once that explained if you want to do one thing that can have a significant impact on someone’s life and the lives of their family and community, then sponsor a child. Not only do they receive an education, healthcare, and food, but their education directly benefits their entire community and helps break the cycle of poverty. There are Christian organizations that do this and provide a gospel centered education for the children. Compassion and World Vision are a couple. Your local church or Christian radio station can recommend one too. 

These organizations also usually enable you to sponsor missionaries that are out in the field sharing the gospel in their community. Consider sponsoring someone today.

Sack Lunches For The Homeless

Pack some sack lunches that you can hand out to homeless people you encounter while you’re out driving. In my city the homeless are often standing in the street medians. If I’m stopped at a light, it’s easy to hand a sack out the window to someone.

I put a few non-perishable food items and a small bottled water in the sack. Things like canned tuna, granola bars, and nuts are good choices. Don’t forget to share the gospel! Include a letter, a Bible tract, print off my page How To Be Saved and include it, or even add a little book of The Gospel of John. Also include information on your church, where it’s located, and when the services are.

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