Bible Study Resources

Here’s some information and resources to help you study the Bible.

If you’d like to purchase a Bible or learn about FREE Bible resources, refer to these pages: Bibles and Bible Resources

Rapture 911

10 Day Devotional

Bible Commentaries, Concordances, & Dictionaries

There are many popular commentaries on the Bible that were written by well studied Bible scholars and preachers. These are great for helping you study the Bible because they explain and provide commentary on Scripture. Some of these books are even in the public domain so you can freely use and distribute them.

Bible dictionaries provide biblical definitions of terms. This is important because what a word means today isn’t necessarily what it meant when the Bible you are reading was written or translated. A concordance is a resource that lists people, places, and words used in the Bible and then displays the Scripture references where they occur. The popular Bible apps include commentaries and dictionaries. Often you can click on a verse and get to these resources. Looking up verses containing a particular word in the Bible is really easy if you use an app because you can just use the built in search functionality.

Here are some popular Bible study websites that have the resources I’ve mentioned – Blue Letter Bible study resources, Bible Gateway resources, and Bible Study Tools commentariesconcordances, and dictionaries.

Here are some public domain Bible study resources that you can download. Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole BibleSmith’s Bible DictionaryStrong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, and Nave’s Topical Bible. For additional Bible study resources that you can download check out Christian Classics Ethereal Library downloads page and do a search on the Project Gutenberg website.

Looking for resources in Spanish? Blue Letter Bible has Spanish resources. The Bible Gateway website lets you set Spanish as your language preference. They also have lots of Spanish (and other foreign languages) Bibles available to read online. Bibliatodo has some Spanish resources including Matthew Henry’s commentary and a Spanish Bible dictionary. Many of the free English resources aren’t yet available in other languages in the public domain because they were translated and published relatively recently. You may need to purchase them instead: Nueva Concordancia Strong ExhaustivaComentario Bíblico Matthew HenryDiccionario Bíblico Ilustrado Holman.

Bible Teachings

There are numerous Bible teachings available online. A lot of preachers broadcast their sermons via the web, radio, and TV. Some of them even have their teachings available for on demand streaming or in downloadable formats.

SermonAudio is a good place to browse. They have over a million sermons available. Sermon Podcasts on PlayerFM is another site with a lot of content. Spotify has a lot of Christian content too.

Here are additional links to some of my favorite and popular pastors, preachers, and Bible teachers. My church, Calvary Church in Albuquerque, has all of their weekend and midweek services available on their website and on YouTube. The senior pastor at my church, Skip Heitzig, has additional content available on his website including his radio broadcast. The pastor who introduced me to Jesus, Tim Chaddick, is at Reality Church in Ventura and they have sermons available online. Beth Moore is the teacher who taught me about God and she has a lot of teachings on her website including a podcast and her TV program. Greg Laurie is another favorite. He’s the pastor at Harvest Christian Fellowship and they have a lot of sermons and teachings on their website including the Harvest Crusade webcasts. Last, but not least, sermons from Billy Graham are also available online.

Looking for teachings in Spanish? Check out Calvary Church in Spanish. Also, many of Skip Heitzig’s older teachings have Spanish audio. Just click the download button next to a teaching and you’ll see Spanish audio as an option if it’s available. 

You might want to browse the Links page for additional resources.

Rapture 911 Bibliography

These are some of the books I referenced in Rapture 911: What To Do If You’re Left Behind. I hope you find them helpful during your own Bible study time.

Encyclopedia Of Biblical Prophecy by J. Barton Payne

Prophecy Study Bible by Tim LaHaye

Science Speaks by Peter W. Stoner

The Book Of Enoch Or Enoch 1: Translated From The Editor’s Ethiopic Text by R. H. Charles

Spanish editions:
Biblia de estudio de la profecía por Tim LaHaye
El libro de Enoc

Favorites From Marsha's Personal Library

These are some of my favorite books and authors. They’ve each helped me learn more about God, Jesus, and the things taught in the Bible.

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