The Election Omen Resources

These resources are provided for your convenience to aid you in your own research. Inclusion does not reflect my endorsement of content.

US Voter Resources

Information on Voter Registration – U.S. Election Assistance Commission

These websites contain voter and election guides, news, prayer resources, articles on the issues, and candidate statements on the issues.

Center for Responsive Politics
Christian Voter Guide
Faith & Freedom Coalition
Federal Election Commission
My Faith Votes
On The Issues
Vote Smart

Government News Sources

Get news straight from the President. You can subscribe for daily news updates. You can also view and search through all the President’s speeches – The White House

Twitter of the President of the US

Search for legislation, see who voted for or against a bill, watch congress via webcast.

The US Senate
The US House of Representatives


Citizen Journalists

Tired of watching the main stream media and the fake news? Watch and listen to some citizen journalists reveal the truth and ask tough questions.

Amazing Polly
And We Know
Brandon Tatum
X22 Report

America's Founding Documents

Bill of Rights
Constitution of the United States
Declaration of Independence
The Mayflower Compact

The National Archives contains all the founding documents
President George Washington’s inaugural address
100 Milestone Documents compiled by the National Archives

The Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience. It’s not a founding document; however, it reiterates the importance of life and liberty as stated by America’s founders.

Books Referenced In The Election Omen

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